How to measure productivity of employees in 2024?

September 11, 2024
Skills Caravan
Learning Experience Platform
September 11, 2024
, updated  
September 11, 2024

How to measure productivity of employees in 2024?

You must understand how to measure productivity of employees if you want to increase employee productivity. It will be impossible for you to determine the success of your programs without quantifiable employee productivity metrics. Let’s take a look at how to measure staff productivity to get you the information you need.

Productive employees accomplish their tasks, meet their objectives, and contribute to the expansion of the business. Productivity among employees is essential to a company's success. The whole company suffers when workers aren't performing as well as they once were. 

The modern workplace is a dynamic environment with a lot to be aware of. 2024 holds great potential for innovation, flexibility, and a hitherto unheard-of focus on the health and welfare of employees.

As we approach the dawn of this new century, forward-thinking executives find themselves wondering if we have methods to gauge employee productivity in a world where change is not just inevitable but accelerating?

In the past, standard measurements like hours worked and output quantity were frequently used to measure productivity. However, the dynamics have changed significantly. It involves knowing how to maximize our workforce's potential, foster their resiliency, and ignite their grit in the face of the enormous difficulties that lie ahead. This article provides guidelines about how to measure productivity of your employees at your workplace.

Why should we measure productivity of employees?

Employee productivity serves as a crucial metric for organizations to gauge the effectiveness of their teams. It comes as no surprise that organizations strive for enhanced task completion efficiency among their employees. Engaged and productive employees, in particular, have been shown to drive a notable 26% increase in profitability.

However, the significance of employee productivity extends beyond mere profit maximization. When employees operate in an environment conducive to effective and efficient work, it yields several advantages for them:

  • Enhanced job satisfaction among employees.
  • Improved overall work experience for employees.
  • Reduced likelihood of experiencing burnout.
  • Decreased probability of employee turnover.
Benefits of measuring employee productivity
Benefits of measuring employee productivity

Elevating productivity levels not only fosters employee engagement but also directly impacts an organization's bottom line. Therefore, measuring and enhancing productivity yields tangible benefits for both organizations and individual employees alike.

Challenges in Determining Employee Productivity

Boosting employee productivity presents significant advantages, but it's not without hurdles. Measuring productivity is complex, often leading organizations to focus on increasing time spent on tasks rather than actual output.

Several challenges complicate measuring employee productivity:

  • Varying work output across functions and industries.
  • Limited visibility, particularly in remote work setups.
  • Time zone disparities hindering real-time monitoring.
  • Diverse work environments impacting output.
  • Reliance on self-reporting for accurate data.
  • Potential overemphasis on activity monitoring over actual productivity.
  • Employee resistance to monitoring tools due to privacy concerns.

Despite these challenges, measuring productivity effectively is feasible. Identifying appropriate metrics tailored to your team's needs is key to accurately assessing and enhancing productivity.

10 Effective ways to measure productivity of employees

#1. Use productivity formula to measure employee productivity

Utilize the productivity formula to assess efficiency at both individual and organizational levels. This formula entails comparing the output, which can encompass projects, tasks, or revenue, to the input resources involved.

Let's examine how to determine worker productivity with a standard production output formula.

Productivity of Employees = Output / Labor Input

This formula provides a concise and measurable means of evaluating team performance and productivity.

Measuring an employee's output (goods, services, deliverables, etc.) in relation to their input (time, effort, resources, etc.) will reveal their productivity.

For instance, consider the scenario of managing a content writing agency. If a writer produces two 2000-word articles within a week, and operates on a 40-hour work week, the writer's productivity can be computed as follows:

Productivity = 4000 words / 40 hours = 100 words per hour

#2. Establish Weekly Goals

Setting weekly goals is a strategic practice aimed at fostering incremental progress towards overarching objectives. By delineating achievable milestones within short time frames, employees remain motivated and focused on tangible outcomes. Incorporating recognition for goal attainment further incentivizes productivity.

Significance in Measuring Team Productivity:

The implementation of weekly goals facilitates straightforward assessment of employee engagement at a fundamental level. These goals offer a clear metric for evaluating progress and performance within manageable time intervals.

#3. Monitoring Presenteeism and Absenteeism

Absenteeism refers to instances of employees taking time off beyond the company's established policy without a valid reason. This behavior not only disrupts workflows but also places undue pressure on other team members who must cover for their absent colleagues.

Presenteeism, while less conspicuous, is equally detrimental. This phenomenon occurs when employees attend work but are unable to perform at their full capacity due to illness or personal issues. Despite being physically present, they are mentally distracted, leading to errors and subpar work quality.

Both absenteeism and presenteeism can strain team resources. As other team members are compelled to compensate for reduced productivity, it results in imbalanced workloads, heightened stress levels, and ultimately, the risk of burnout.

To mitigate these issues, it is imperative to promptly identify and address the underlying causes of these behaviours.

Employee absenteeism is tracked and paid for, in contrast to presenteeism. Do they take more days off for "mental health"? When they leave, do they continue to meet their deadlines and fulfill their obligations at work? Is there any place where further unscheduled personal time off may have been documented prior to former staff members departing from your company? Finding the source of the problem might be aided by keeping an eye out for any spikes in personal time and trends in unplanned vacation time.

Your employees' productivity is undoubtedly suffering if they are searching for excuses to skip work. Before you lose important people and time, get ahead of the issue by observing patterns and addressing the reasons given by your staff.

#4. Evaluating Work Quality

Completing tasks is not synonymous with completing them to a satisfactory standard. Subpar workmanship can incur significant costs in both time and finances for your company. The necessity to repeatedly inspect, revisit, and rectify finished tasks depletes resources from your productivity reserves. Enhancing the quality of work produced by your team will consequently amplify the volume of tasks they can accomplish.

Rationale for Employing this Strategy in Assessing Team Productivity: In the realm of business, time equates to money, and neither should be squandered. Implementing robust quality assurance measures ensures that employees operate with heightened effectiveness and efficiency within their respective roles, thereby bolstering overall company productivity.

#5. Monitoring Task Duration

Efficiently managing the allocation of time within your team is pivotal for assessing and enhancing productivity levels.

Utilizing time reports facilitates a comprehensive understanding of task duration, enabling the identification of recurring patterns and work rhythms. Subsequently, leveraging this data empowers informed decision-making to streamline workflow processes and enhance overall efficiency.

Implementing strategies to encourage team members to track their time is essential. Firstly, fostering an environment of trust by refraining from overly monitoring or micromanaging individuals is crucial. Secondly, providing accessible and user-friendly time tracking tools facilitates seamless integration into daily workflows. Lastly, utilizing insights gleaned from time reports enables targeted efforts to eliminate inefficiencies, thereby optimizing team productivity.

#6. Use Surveys

One of the best ways to get public opinion is through surveys. Some workers simply feel uncomfortable speaking up, and when they do, they worry about causing conflict. By making your surveys anonymous, you may encourage employees to be more open and honest about their experiences, which will result in more genuine feedback.

Why using this approach to gauge team output is beneficial: Knowing what stands in your employees' path can help you remove any potential obstacles that impede their productivity. Taking these pictures creates a baseline and a methodical monitoring procedure. Ask the questions like:

  • Do you find the work quality satisfactory?
  • Do you think the volume of work or the speed of service are satisfactory?
  • Have there been any recurring problems or service delays for you?
  • What makes you more productive?
  • What causes you to slow down?
  • What could be done differently by the company to increase your output?

#7. Setup Regular Meetings

Nothing compares to spending some one-on-one time with the group. Although you can utilize all the technologies at your disposal for cooperation, it might be beneficial for your team to meet face-to-face and give them the time and attention they require. What tools are required to support their process? Where are they having trouble? In what way can you assist? By having a meeting with them, you can make sure that your staff works well together and enjoys their work.

Workers must sense that their opinions are valued. They will feel much more confident and focused after spending some time with their employer.

#8. Assessing the Application of Productivity Tools

The goal of using productivity tools is to make work processes more efficient. But when staff members don't use these technologies to their full potential, it not only reduces the software's return on investment but also causes inefficiencies because jobs are accomplished in less efficient ways. You may highlight the variety of features that your team can use by conducting an evaluation of your range of productivity tools. It also reminds staff members of the possible efficiencies that could be attained by using resources more strategically.

You may learn about the productivity levels of your team by evaluating how well these technologies are integrated into everyday processes.

#9.  Use Tools for Measuring Employee Productivity

In the pursuit of understanding and enhancing employee output, it's imperative to leverage effective measurement tools. These instruments serve as invaluable assets in gaining insights into team dynamics, productivity levels, and time allocation. Below are several professional-grade tools designed to facilitate this process:

  • CRM and POS Systems:

Many organizations already utilize Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Point-of-Sale (POS) systems, which inherently contain features for monitoring and analyzing employee performance metrics. CRMs can quantify sales generated by individual team members, while POS systems track product sales attributed to employees.

  • Time Tracking Tools:

Efficient time tracking tools meticulously record employees' work hours, offering a comprehensive overview of their engagements. These tools can operate either manually, where employees log their hours for specific tasks or projects, or automatically, through software that monitors activity levels.

  • Project Management Tools:

Maintaining clarity regarding project timelines is crucial for evaluating productivity and ensuring progress. Project management platforms facilitate this by delineating project steps and assigning deadlines to tasks. Notable platforms include Asana, Trello, and Jira.

Real-Time Communication and Collaboration Tools:

In today's dynamic work environment, seamless communication and collaboration are paramount. Real-time tools enable teams to interact regardless of geographical location. Examples encompass Simpplr, Slack, Google Docs, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom.

  • Performance Management Tools:

Monitoring and documenting employee success is streamlined with performance management tools. Platforms like Lattice and Workday offer comprehensive functionalities for tracking and evaluating performance metrics.

  • HR Information Systems (HRIS):

HRIS platforms provide valuable insights into employee attendance, absences, and participation.

  • Employee Monitoring Software:

For granular insights into employee activities, monitoring software can be employed. These tools monitor computer usage, keystroke activity, application usage, and can restrict access to specific websites and applications. Incorporating these professional-grade tools into your organizational framework empowers you to make informed decisions, optimize workflow efficiency, and enhance overall productivity.

#10. Maintain improved performance

Encourage your staff to keep up their performance once you've set criteria that produce the desired results.Nevertheless, assessments that are conducted on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis might help to maintain productivity. In this manner, you may recognize effort and offer support where it's required.


Increasing employee productivity benefits both employers and employees, but only when done correctly and quantified. If you want to boost productivity, start by measuring it in a way that will engage and empower staff members rather than alienate them.

To learn more about how to raise productivity without tiring out your staff, get our in-depth guide on increasing employee productivity. See how Skills Caravan can then assist employees in completing more tasks in less time. Book a demo right now, To find out how Skills Caravan LXP can boost employee productivity in your company.

Measure Employee Productivity FAQs

A: Measuring employee productivity is crucial for organizations to gauge effectiveness and drive profitability. Engaged and productive employees contribute to enhanced job satisfaction, reduced burnout, and decreased turnover rates.

A: Challenges include varying work output across industries, limited visibility in remote setups, time zone disparities, diverse work environments, reliance on self-reporting, overemphasis on activity monitoring, and employee resistance to monitoring tools.

A: You can assess productivity by comparing output (projects, tasks, revenue) to input resources (time, effort, resources) using the formula: Productivity = Output / Labor Input.

A: Weekly goals foster incremental progress, motivation, and clarity in evaluating employee engagement and performance within manageable time frames.

A: Tracking absenteeism and presenteeism helps identify underlying issues affecting employee productivity. It allows prompt intervention to address factors causing imbalanced workloads and stress.

A: Evaluating work quality ensures tasks are completed satisfactorily, minimizing the need for rework and maximizing efficiency, thereby boosting overall employee productivity.

A: Surveys provide anonymous platforms for employees to offer genuine feedback, enabling organizations to identify obstacles to productivity and implement targeted improvements.

A:Regular meetings facilitate open communication, addressing concerns, and providing support to enhance team collaboration and productivity.

A: Evaluating the integration and utilization of productivity tools highlights areas for improvement and potential efficiency gains, thereby enhancing overall team productivity.

A: Tools such as CRM and POS systems, time tracking tools, project management platforms, real-time communication tools, performance management tools, HR information systems, and employee monitoring software offer insights into employee activities, performance, and workflow efficiency.